Read the new adventures of Farty Godmother - a hilariously funny children's book from the creator of the Pooper Heroes card game. Subscribe to my newsletter so you won't miss the next story, and download this free pdf e-book now.
Meet the legendary founders of the most elite pooper hero club of the world, the Just Sit League. Their mission is simple: to defeat all the Pooper Villains so we can just sit back, relax, and do our business.
Pooperman is the ultimate pooper hero, with
pooperhuman powers and senses, who bravely
flies to the darkest corners of the pooniverse,
where no human has gone before
(except for number twos).
Pooperman is the sole survivor of a spectacular galactic caca- tastrophy. His home was overpopulated, and the
people emitted so much poo-pollution, that a pooclear
chain reaction was about to destroy his entire planet. Luckily, Pooperman’s father saw the impending doom in
time and sent his son to Earth in an intergalactic portapotty. Since that day, he has been protecting us from
pooper villains.
Always in a rush with a brush, here comes the
Flush – the fastest toilet cleaner alive! He runs
at poopersonic speed and nothing can stop him
(except that dog poo he just stepped in).
The Flush worked as a janitor for experimental scientist
Dr Pooperstein in his smelly laboratory until one night
when something impoosible happened. Flush was carrying
a giant tank of toilet waste to the sewer overflow when
a lightning bolt struck him. In that second his life turned
upside down. So did the tank. Its toxic content flooded the
lab, engulfing him in its flow. As he was fighting for his life,
his brush started to move faster and faster until it swept
out the whole mess in one giant poonami wave. Flush was
transformed into the fastest pooper hero ever.
Poop Fairy is brave, Poop Fairy is strong –
she is the greatest poofighter of them all!
Poop Fairy was just another happy little tooth fairy, flying
around the world and collecting children’s teeth from
under their pillows, until the mad scientist Dr Pooperstein
captured the Fairy Queen. He wouldn’t let the queen
go until the fairies brought him enough poo for his next
experiment. The poor fairies worked day and night, but it
was never enough, so our little friend here decided to fight
back. Poop Fairy flew east to master the mystic martial
arts of kakarate and taekwondoodoo. Once she had
earned her brown belt, she returned to defeat Pooperstein’s
hundred henchmen and free the Fairy Queen.
A unicorn farts a rainbow, and a princess’s poo
smells like a rose – but only if Farty Godmother
is there to work her magic.
Farty Godmother grew up with her two loving
grandparents in their magical perfume brewery, where
she spent her days helping her grandfarter create healing
scents, adding the perfect amount of happiness to every
bottle. All was well, until the evil gangster, Al Capoone took
them hostage and forced them to brew his illegal energy
drink instead, the disgusting Caca-Cola. The brave little girl
soon escaped and joined the Godmother Squad where she
learned to use her pooper skills against the farty felons in
her new life as Farty Godmother.